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Thursday 5 June 2014

Thought Picnic: A menacing annoyance of mobile phone abuse

Landing the mobile
I have no problems with people who need to keep in contact with family, friend, colleague, partner or whatever form of relationship defines the need to communicate.
The ubiquity of the mobile phone has offered opportunities once not possible a few decades ago.
Though, then, you probably made conversation in private, out of earshot in a room, a phone booth or an office.
I however still have the mindset of needing to take mobile phone calls undistracted.
Presence of thought
If away from home, I would find a place to sit down to chat. On the very rare situations where I take calls without sitting down, I would most likely be taking directions on how to get to some place.
What I find so irksome is people who do not realise how distracting taking a call on the street can be.
It is almost impossible to given equal attention to a telephone conversation and your surroundings.
Driving to distraction
Studies have shown that concentration is impaired by the distraction of a mobile phone call which can be dangerous for essential reaction when driving but also dangerous for being unaware of ones surroundings.
Yet people do fool themselves into thinking they are in control when clearly from observation they are not.
They are slower to react, slower walking, usually don’t walk in a straight line, more expectant of others not to bump into them as they walk along being carried by the flow of the crowd.
Vexed by texting
There are times I have scolded some to put away their phones as the try to mount stairs, get on escalators or board vehicles.
Those who send SMS messages are worse as they tap or scribble away on their devices ensconced in that world and completely oblivious of others.
A menace indeed
They are a public menace beyond mere annoyance consumed with a yearning that lacks restraint as the moment lost in having consideration of others is an eternity lost forever.
Indeed some things need urgent attention but not at the expense of being controlled, ordered and particularly considerate.
That is what I look for in people without having to demand they recognise where they are.

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