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Sunday 11 January 2015

Happy Birthday, Kola

I sent him a birthday card, but it was not big enough to write all I had to say, besides, my writing after so many decades of tapping away at keyboards is literally illegible, so I have decided to put my birthday greeting on a blog.
Happy Birthday, Kola
My very best friend is quiet, unassuming and keeps in the shadows, yet he is probably one of the most influential men in my life.
Our communication is sometimes unspoken but very effective, we understand each other too well; it is quite funny.
Steadfast and sure through the good times and the bad times, he can read my heart and my mind in my writing, much as I can call him about anything that just bothers me, from the trivial to the serious.
He sees through me like no one I know can, he honours me much beyond what I deserve and he loves me unconditionally.
You should hear some of our conversations on the phone, we can so disagree with each on issues and opinions and still laugh it all off in the end, it is a bond that has stood the test of time.
It is just three weeks between our birthdays, no, he does not like talking about his age, but this is a landmark year that I have to acknowledge, whether he likes it or not.
A man who despite adversity early in life has one of the deepest wells of knowledge, has lived on four continents, experienced cultures so diverse, he is veritably a world citizen.
His quiet disposition should not be mistaken for powerlessness, his wealth of wisdom and consuming compassion is one that endears him to many in places high and low. He is just an all-round wonderful chap.
On this landmark birthday, I wish him the very best; love, wonder and adventure beyond his wildest dreams, the fulfilment of desire well above anything he has ever anticipated or planned for and blessings that overwhelm him with complete speechlessness.
Happy Birthday, Kola, many happy returns, never forget the pursuit of happiness and never lose your sense of youth and adventure. Thank you very much for being my friend.

1 comment:

Kola said...

Oh Akin. I am blushing. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am truly humbled and honoured by your friendship. Thank you for being my friend. Love you lots.

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