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Friday 1 May 2015

Thought Picnic: Bring me joy

All mixed up
Over the past few weeks, it is the encouragement of friends, relations and colleagues that has kept me going when it all seemed everyone of importance around me was going into hospital for one thing or the other.
I have found that it is really important to talk rather than bottle all the information up, especially when the news received is serious and troubling.
Between anger and sadness, you almost feel helpless and lost, yet, you cannot give up on the possibility that things can change for the better, much as those things are completely out of one's control.
I get lonely sometimes
Though I am alone here and I have had my share of affliction and tribulations, the greater praise and gratitude must go to my siblings who have stood tall and strong, holding up the fort with fortitude and reserves of compassion and humanity that leaves me in awe of them.
I am thankful that I have despite that chronological age difference between us, been comfortable in seeing them as adults, responsible, capable and inspired in many ways too numerous to mention.
At the same time, it has required a stern rebuke to the other generation to keep out of the way to allow them do what they need to do. I can understand that they; that generation, might have taken it badly, but there comes a time when you cannot mince words anymore, but lay it down as it is.
Brings me joy
I have an important trip ahead, I have work to do and many little things I had hoped to do before have not received as much attention because of the distractions. However, I have slept well, had a consultation that did not go as well as I would have wanted it to, but it is not irredeemable.
I have to find those things when I get lonely sometimes (in my thoughts and circumstances) and I'm mixed up again, that bring me joy to give me strength to appreciate that all this shall pass and it will all come good. [Anita Baker – You Bring Me Joy]
Thank you for being there, being close, being strong, you all know who you are.

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