My Pages

Tuesday 14 June 2016


He hated himself that much
My thoughts are many, many for the innocent who in the midst of the celebration of life were snuffed out by someone who might well have wanted to have the freedoms he saw, but through possible self-loathing and self-hatred decided what he could not have should be destroyed in others.
Much as he pledged allegiance to a hateful pox of a group that is antithetical to our common humanity to give some validation to his cause, it is very likely that it was a cloak for some inner turmoil that he never found the will or the courage to deal with.
He ended the lives of 49 people, harmed many more and blighted a community, a nation, and humanity, but in his hatred, he also expired in a hale of the atrocity he meted out on others.
He will not be remembered as the souls of the departed will be remembered, he will not be celebrated as the memories of families, friends, lovers, acquaintances or the good of our humanity and kindness will be celebrated.
He is of the ignoble, the unexplained evil, the heinous and the demonic, leaving us with a deep repugnant feeling that we will not visit for any longer than is necessary, for the remembrance of a terrorist is of the accursed and the worthless, the unloved and the unlovable, that if there were a hell, its jaws would open to its widest girth to receive him into the bowels of suffering unprintable.
Our common humanity loves
At this loss, we gather, we hold hands, we embrace, we mourn, we reflect, and we determine that no person in the expression of their lost cause, the hatred for happiness and the good things of life will take away our laughter, and if we shed tears it would be for those we love and we care for.
Much as life goes on, it will with a unity of purpose that those with whom we shared the joy of living will not have died in vain. Was it the sight of men kissing that disgusted him so much to kill? Then let us kiss the more that it becomes as commonplace as it should be – the expression of love, latching onto hope, living our dreams and holding hands fearless and bold to face the storms of life. Are you reviled by this? Deal with it.
Everyone needs love, who they choose to love is immaterial as long as they are adults and it is with consent. It brings to mind the many other places that use religion, traditions, culture and laws to persecute and prosecute difference, minorities, the poor, the powerless, the infirm or any other distinguishing thing that can be used to accentuate division when there is a greater call on our human spirit to celebrate our unity in diversity.
We have the greatest love within us
The fight must continue to serve the cause of our humanity and elevate that to one where our common cause should be the respect for each other with the freedom to be ourselves and to love ourselves in the expression of the greatest love of all.
Where some talked, the ones that mattered were the people invested themselves, the first responders, the first aiders, the hospital staff, the many who queued up to give blood not concerned about who it is going to, the people who gathered to remember and the many more who contributed to causes to help the victims and communities that suffered loss. That is our shared humanity and long may we continue to see that goodness amongst us.
We are all Orlando!

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