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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Of love a melted snowflake

I walk within a crowd,
Among voices so loud,
For all that it allowed,
I was never of the crowd.
I looked around for friend,
Someone to last to the end,
To whom I dared to attend,
Of whom they chose to forfend.
Maybe I was not alert,
To the matters of the heart,
For when I chose to chat,
Became a dart in the heart.
To wit, myself to save,
From what my heart I gave,
The tender flesh to stave,
From cries up an octave.
My eyes refused the tears,
Of this that was my fears,
The loss of my desires,
With whom a love coheres.
To listen to my head,
And so be newly led,
To free myself from dread,
The path I chose to tread.
My heart, it must not break,
For what I now forsake,
I cannot cease to quake,
Dissolved to what a snowflake.
The search begins again,
To ease and salve the pain,
If love will I attain,
Let it not be in vain.
The time to now divest,
From what I did invest,
Let’s put this thing to rest,
And hope from now the best.

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