My Pages

Friday 10 March 2017

I walked away from it all one morning

For the many roles I've had,
In the numerous jobs so glad,
In the few, I grew so sad,
That I had to flee the pad,
I walked away.
Wherein they failed to manage,
Not to take the umbrage,
In stress and pain for passage,
Got this close to outrage,
I walked away.
When we met to set courses,
A future for the businesses,
But yea, but nay, like circuses,
They broke all the promises,
I walked away.
It was never about the pay,
If you really wanted me to stay,
It’s fun and joy at work and play,
Without which, not much to say,
I walked away.
At most times, I did my bits,
And at the end, we got out hits,
Every tenure comes with limits,
At which time we call it quits,
I walked away.
Now I view in retrospect,
Every time I’ve had prospect,
Mostly I am circumspect,
If I’m dealt with disrespect,
I’ve walked away.
Once I had a major role,
Unbeknownst he changed the goal,
And so I fell behind the pole,
Put by stealth into parole,
I walked away.
Many should have seen the sign,
Maybe it was by design,
Just before it gets malign,
I’m done, I’m through, I resign,
I walked away.

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