My Pages

Friday 5 February 2021

Do not lose your head, ever

I will deal when I can

Hounded, I was by officialdom with threats that gained much punitive traction that it became somewhat distressing. On these matters, you are advised not to ignore the issue but deal with it immediately. I have learnt that there are matters you cannot begin to negotiate if you have nothing to lay on the table as an incentive or to persuade them to see things from your end.

However, it is important to find someone to confide in on the issue because they might well have the insight and know-how where you are completely blindsided by the turmoil of your situation, unable to see straight or the way out for your good. The opportunity came to share my side of the story and it was listened to without judgement. Much as there was an urgency to address it, my confidante took on the weight and left me with a firm and calm assurance that it will all be dealt with.

The calm after the storm

This morning, we had a result. What a considerable relief, the threats were like an unconscionable land grab in the quest to weaken the resolve. That I stood firm until a good opportunity came is not one of scheming but a decision to be unmoved. It reminds me of when I was undergoing cancer treatment and some creditors were turning the screws. My retort was simple, I am trying to save my life and until that is done, you can sling it except if what you really want to do is kill me.

In the main, most got the message gave me the leeway and the grace to get well and begin to recover. Eventually, we got things sorted out and it was a lot better than jumping out of my 7th-floor apartment window out of despair. It is all settled, the world is a strange and sometimes difficult place, that is enough to know before allowing my life to be any more complicated than it is.

Be still I say to my heart and my mind, it will come right, Akin. Too many times, that has been the truth in my life. Worry will solve nothing, nothing at all.

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