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Thursday 11 March 2021

A whine on Brexit

It’s off with the wine

A call from Germany, the wine merchant of a number of South African wine estates with the almost cantankerous and affable man at the other end with apologies. Whilst my paid for wine order arrived on Monday, the wine tasting delivery had been returned to sender because of unexplained Brexit-related issues.

I had told a friend or two about joining me for the virtual wine tasting event though yet unsure of whether there will be a delivery. Apart from the first email from UPS indicating an order had been put in motion, there have been no subsequent emails.

The sour taste of air

As I have been regaled with some disappointment, sadly, I have to pass this news on. It does not mean the end of the wine tasting; I am still invited. It will be a social event and we can chat to old friends with the promise of meeting up soon.

It appears we have just acquired a bitter taste of Brexit and no one is either getting drunk or falling into the gutter in apoplectic laughter, talking about it. I will open a bottle of wine because it won’t be fun sipping the air whilst others are quaffing vintage tipple. Helaas!

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