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Friday 12 March 2021

By unexpected determination

Willing and unable

For weeks, I was concerned for my lack of productivity, self-development somewhat moribund and the firefighting activities going on at work not advancing any knowledge or insight. Things appeared to be stagnant as motivation faded into lethargy.

At other times, I would have tried to gird myself into focusing on achieving something, but there isn’t enough going on for that kind of realignment. However, just after watching the church service on television on Sunday, I decided to read through some documentation I downloaded during the last week to see if there was some information to guide me through linking my home environment to the cloud.

Learning by doing

Pieces of work left unfinished in snatches of time had begun to come together. After finding the chapter that could help me through, I began the process of sorting out the hybrid cloud setup, encountering issues that needed resolution, and learning as each issue got solved. A few missteps, a near catastrophe deftly recovered.

Soon, the basics were done with the essential synchronisation between my home test environment and my personal company cloud environment. The next day, I started on fixing the management components on systems I did not cater that well for as a unit. Having completed that, I continued with the cloud integration process, gaining more insight.

Knowledge all ways

Back at work also, some seemingly intractable problems revealed much more about the root cause in the myriad logs we need to pore through to find a resolution. The breakthrough there was quite good. Just as at home, each day, I was trying something new out for a couple of hours and recording my findings on OneNote.

It would appear that much has been accomplished this week with a good crossover of knowledge elements between work and home. I feel quite happy with this and it means I can move on to the next tranche of experiments and testing. I guess that is how confidence built and expertise is acquired.

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