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Monday 15 March 2021

Coronavirus streets in Manchester - XXV

Taking a trek

After work today, I considered getting out for some exercise, the walking variety that I did much of over the second half of last year but have done little of this year. Getting into my garb and realising that it was not too chilly, I set out on the route I usually take.

The town centre was bustling, and I reached the outskirts, I walked by the towpath beside a church that has a Thursday soup kitchen. There on the ground crunched by footsteps that had passed along before me were many white plastic forks and spoons, though it was a bit disconcerting it was better to see that go to waste than food. If it were food, that would be scary, for I have seen rats the size of cats scurry about that path.

Scenes by the river

A girl and her mother had stopped by the river to feed the ducks as another two girls took to screaming so loud, it was almost upsetting. I said to them, I could scream too. Then a couple with their dog made so much way for me, I took the hint telling them, I guess I have a bit more work to do with my size.

As usual, everyone else was running though I could not understand how my pace had slowed to add 2 minutes to the time it took to complete a kilometre at the 4th and the 5th. The bane of going for long walks in the cold is a full bladder and that meant looking for a private place to ease myself. After which a man with two bulldogs taking him for a walk did the irresponsible thing of not cleaning up after one of them and he knew it because he looked back when got to the foul mess.

Care to be careful

On the home straight, I did pass by a soup kitchen and they do a lot for the hungry and the homeless, I just was no sure that the crowd with masks or any social distancing was safe or considerate. Minding my own business, I gave them a wide berth and hobbled home, under the strain of much exercise and over 17,000 steps in the kitty.


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