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Friday 5 March 2021

Don't dare believe you have a say

My business and butt out

There is nothing I find as irksome as people who think they have the purchase to decide what you do, how you act or what you think. People who have no particular interest in you apart from being part of a contrived mob of opinion that would seek to sway you as you respond to the pressure of some sort of scrutiny or sanction.

No one has been exposed this intrusiveness today as much as the Duchess of Sussex, people who have arrogated to themselves the right to decide what she should or not be doing. Speaking up for the Queen forgetting that the Duchess is in fact a granddaughter-in-law, the familial ties sometimes complicated by the monarchical institution, this is still a family issue regardless of the public spectacle.

Live without excuses

Be that as it may, I am not here to support anyone, my only hope is that the Sussexes are happy, happier than what represented the marriages of their parents. 'The Firm' which is essentially the court, gets confused with the throne to the exclusion of a grandmother who just happens to wear a crown. For her grandson, office and duty are secondary, the safety of his family and their happiness above all is all that matters.

For everyone else, this is something they may need to read and hear, that they do not owe anyone anything about what they choose to do. Yes, we could all do with some advice even if unsolicited, we need to have the courage of our convictions and go out to live our full lives not having to make excuses for who or what we are.

'Cause you're free,
To do what you want to do,
You've got to live your life,
Do what you want to do.
Ultra Naté - Free [Wikipedia]

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