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Thursday 13 May 2021

Thought Picnic: Will you show it to me?

The captivity of life

I never really got to see Free Willy, a film about a killer whale caught in the wild, taken into captivity and the quest to free it before the presumed owners could kill it. Yet, there is a dimension of Free Willy in our lives, we are help captive by many things we need to and must break free from. Even as humans with our apparent overarching domination of the world and its creatures, our limitations sometimes surprise us or even defy us.

My mind does get laid out in my blogs that even the urgency to write is tempered by the immediacy to reflect as to how the words will be written and how they will be read and understood. Much as I make out to be comprehended, I do regularly succeed in leaving some confused and that is not for the want of trying.

Carry me like a brother

Self-doubt is a Free Willy situation I content with, the limiting scope with its crushing effect in the confines of the captivity of the lack of imagination. At once, the capacity is dream is imprisoned in the nightmare of inability and concern, the wonder whether or if you are facing defeat blinded from other prospects. Almost like a daytime dark cloud keeping the light and the warmth of the sun at bay, you forgetting the sun will always light the day and the clouds are transient, always transient.

At that point you have to wake up from your funk, find that determination with all the help you can get to be free from all your captivities. We do have limitations, but that does not mean we are limited, in most cases, it is knowing that someone is there beyond your captive situation to lead you to the freedom to be yourself better than you can ever know. Strangely, we know that person, amazingly, the person rarely knows they are.

“Everyone's taking control of me,
Seems that the world's got a role for me,
I'm so confused will you show it to me,
You'll be there for me,
And care enough to bear me.”

Michael Joe Jackson – Will You Be There (1993)
Theme from Free Willy.

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