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Sunday 6 June 2021

The man, T. B. Joshua

No grudges held

The passing of Prophet T. B. Joshua is no doubt a tragedy and that is where I would start. There are many people who will attest to the humility, the generosity, the religiosity, the godliness, the charisma, and the powerful ministry of the man, and I am not here to question any of that.

To some, he was a mighty man of God, to some a possible charlatan, to some so absolutely above reproach and the law, unassailable, and unaccountable to anyone, the latter by reason of the building collapse that led to the death of over 100 victims of which 80 were South Africans for whom no justice has been done. Yet, I cannot blame him, I blame the Nigerian system that allowed it.

Blog: Nigeria: The Collapse of Order

Some people would have a big bone to pick with him, be it what they sought that they did not get, or what they were not sure they wanted that they received a good measure of. Between the unhealed and the traumatised may their hopes be realised and their prayers be answered.

And God willing

A few days ago, the man was planning for his birthday and released a video notice about plans towards it, he paced up and down with a sense of apparent unease, at least to my observation, I did wonder what might have made him look a bit discomfited until he held the railing at the end with the comforting words to those who might not be able to attend his birthday this year due to the pandemic having the opportunity for many more birthdays to come.

To anyone who watched that video [YouTube], we can somewhat agree that the prophet had no inkling of his pending demise. Man proposes and God disposes, we find that we need to reflect on the ephemeral nature of our humanity in all the resilience we tend to exhibit that we only have the moment in which we are, the future we do not know, and whilst anticipation and planning is necessary, we of a religious disposition might want to bookend all our schemes with ‘God Willing’.

After it all

In bidding the man farewell and sympathies to his family and to his flock the hope for a worthy shepherd to continue the ministry and legacy of the man. Prophet T. B. Joshua has written his own account in his life and his deeds and gone, what we make of it is now left to us, he cannot edit it to suit his requirements anymore.

There is probably an undiscovered prophet in the wilderness preparing the way for the needy to have their needs met in a fashion, that prophet will be found, and another chapter will begin the munificence of lofty promises, fantastic rituals, and spectacular flashes of the miraculous to the extent of believability or ridiculousness, that would keep the flock enthralled. We are who we are.

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