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Monday 9 August 2021

Childhood: The pupils of Corona School, Shamrock House, Bukuru, Jos - II

Nostalgia gets you here

After blogging for almost 18 years, your blogs become callouts to people in search of information, especially to do with their pasts. You bring up a search engine and would likely type in the name of your primary school or secondary school, flick through the results until one or a few references come up that takes you down memory lane.

I attended three primary schools, the Army Children’s School in Kaduna where I started, and my three memories are my first day at school when I ran out of class to meet my mother as soon as I saw her come to collect me after school, the Indian headmistress who cracked the knuckles of kids who had not cut their fingernails and that is how we all became nail biters, and when I hopped on a school bus just as my dad arrived to pick me up, we did a good tour of Kaduna before I got off.

More school memories abound

Then Corona School, Shamrock House in Bukuru, Jos, where I spent 3 memorable years and have the keenest recollections of childhood from class 3 to class 5, having jumped a class in my transfer from Kaduna to Jos. During this time, I have written a lot and have had many comments from others who have found my blogs. To that end, I have met up with some old schoolmates and even seen a picture of one of my old teachers who is now in her 90s.

We returned to Kaduna in mid-1975 where I attended the Sacred Heart Primary School for my last year, and though I was involved in a number of extracurricular activities and played the part of Pharoah in our production of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, I was absent for 4 months taking common entrance examinations in the southwest of Nigeria for secondary school admission. I returned for the last month to take exams and passed in the top half of the class.

Compiling recollections for posterity

As I have sometimes lost comments posted to my blogs, especially when I have had to migrate it from another platform, I now move some comments into blogs of their own. The many responses I get for the Corona School blogs cover a broad period of time from well before the school was on that site where I attended to long after I graduated, none of that knowledge would have been acquired with the blogs.

I wrote the first one in 2007 and then a couple more in 2008 after which I compiled in 2009 into a blog with the comments left on it. I guess it is now time to do that compilation again, because of the new comments posted and one quite recently too. All these would be cross-referenced, for the reader to get the whole story.

Blog - Rayfield, Jos - Memories of a child (May 2007)

Blog - Childhood: The pupils of Corona School, Shamrock House, Bukuru, Jos (May 2009) – The first comment compilation blog.

More comments in a blog

Once again, I thank everyone who left comments on the blogs, I have compiled the more recent ones below, so from Armstrong, Joe Miner, Julie Sanda and the anonymous poster the first compilation, I now have a guest, Brenda and Marianne whose surnames I am not too sure of and William Gardner.

My annotations and comments are in parenthesis [], the comments are edited for basic grammatical and punctuation to improve clarity without losing context or intent of the original posters.

5. Guest – 24th May 2012

WOW! Today, I googled the Yelwa [Club] pool out of curiosity and stumbled on your blog and was brought back in time. I also was there much later (1983) through my father who was a microwave engineer (Jay Clark) I was as student with Ms. Opara as headmistress. Thank you for your blog I will continue to read your posts.

6. Brenda (Gelul) from Holland – 24th May 2012

Wow! Amazing reading all those memories.

I remember Corona School and Hillcrest [School] too. We used to live near the Corona School. My best memory is the chopones [I don’t know what these are] this woman used to sell near the school. We loved them and cost 1 Naira [each].

Most my memories are about the food I loved, the Nigerian foods. [I] miss Nigeria loads being born there and growing up there it will for ever be in my heart.

7. Marianne [Geluk} – 25th June 2012

[This seems to be another lady from Holland with a similar story as the last, probably the same person, I don’t know.]

So cool, I grew up there too. Corona School then Hillcrest School. I remember the swimming pool.we used to go to the club [I suppose this is Yelwa Club] loads of with my parents and we ate pep [I have no idea what this is.] & chicken with all the other people. So many cool memories, still miss it.

8. William Gardner – 24th July 2021

I came across this super blog. No idea if it’s still reviewed [It is.], my name is William Gardner, my parents, Jim and Ina. Just to say to say I have strong memories of my time at Shamrock School in Bukuru.

My parents were from Edinburgh, Scotland and my father worked in tin mining (ATMN) [Amalgamated Tin Mines of Nigeria]. Previously served with the West African Forces during the Second World War.

He was in the British Royal Engineers and was in Kaduna and Maiduguri in 1943 before the brigade was sent to Burma until 1946. My father and mother then went to Jos in 1947. I was born there, lived in Sabin Gida (Bukuru), Harwell houses (near Rayfield) and a few other places nearby. I remember going to Shamrock School when I was 5 in 1962.

My teacher was Miss Emby, then Miss Thorogood, and my last teacher I can’t remember her name. Yes, I remember Yelwa Club, snooker, pool, Sunday curry lunch, theatre also used for Badminton. I was sent back to Scotland in 1967 and went to private school and came out to Jos twice a year.

Really loved in being on so many airplanes. I remember the leaders of ATMN and their kids. Great adventure. Mum and Dad retired in 1974.

The Childhood blogs

Nigeria: Gone is the Jos I knew

Childhood: My aunts saw red

Childhood: The fruits of a chicken napping dog

Childhood: Driving the languages of sacrifice

The masterpieces of memory

Even more memories of a child

More memories of a child

Rayfield, Jos - Memories of a child

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