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Saturday 21 August 2021

Samuel Windsor is closing down

Update (8th March 2022): I visited the new Samuel Windsor website this afternoon and from what I can gather, it would appear our old login details were not carried across into the new ownership and management of the company, and whilst I was offered the option to change my password, it did not seem the right time to do so.

As far as I can see, they only have footwear on display, and I have seen no indication of whether or when clothes would become part of their repertoire. As the prices of things are going up due to inflation or any other factors, I can see a markup of £10 to £15 on what we used to pay for some of the shoes if my memory serves me right.

For now, the new Samuel Windsor is not the place where we used to shop for everything, maybe there is a process in play, but I will continue to provide updates on developments with the company and any other insight, can be posted in the comments below the blog.

To address, the comment that the shoes were made in India rather than what I believed to be in the UK, I have read in their FAQs that the shoes are indeed manufactured in India.

Update (31st October 2021): I had a comment posted on the 30th of October 2021 by Anthony Gardiner that Samuel Windsor will be returning under new ownership. The website says as much but we do not have a date as to when the service would return. I just hope the new owners carry on and build on the legacy of the erstwhile owners as I have not been able to find a good replacement for Samuel Windsor. This is really welcome news.

Screengrab from the Samuel Windsor website, taken 31/10/2021.

Successfully delivered somewhere

I was tossing and turning in bed trying to have a nap whilst possibly listening to a radio podcast and having the unfortunate distraction of mobile telephony with its permanent connection to the world when I saw an email arrive in my inbox informing me that, “Hermes (a courier/delivery/logistics company) has successfully delivered your Samuel Windsor parcel.”

I am at home, but the courier did not bother to ring my bell, the parcel was left in our mailroom where an intersexual pilferer of little social grace who has had to be forcefully ejected from our village plied her maleficent trade.

They even sent me a picture of where the parcel was left to the elements of thievery that we hope have been humanely extirpated from our midst. Whilst I would have thought a successful delivery were one where the recipient had verifiably received the goods, especially if they are present to collect the parcel.

Men’s shoes and clothing catalogue

Samuel Windsor, I discovered when their catalogue came with my The Week magazine some 6 years ago, I started with the shoes of exquisite workmanship at an outstandingly affordable prices and thought I have 6 unworn pairs, I have so far ordered 19 pairs, out of which some have been for Brian.

After the shoes, I ordered suits that fitted, jackets, trousers, shorts, socks, and accessories. They became my stockists of menswear, all done online apart from the appalling use of a less than satisfactory courier services of DX Delivery Services and Tracking that just could not seem to complete the task in one go, every time apart from when they delivered to my office.

Samuel Windsor is closing shop after 18 years, the owners are apparently retiring and there is a closing-down sale which inspired my last order that I put through some 5 weeks ago but because of the volume of orders, only arrived today.

Pretty damn good shoes

I am saddened by the exit of Samuel Windsor from the marketplace because I do not know who will be replacing them with regards to our sartorial needs. For the past two years, I have been ordering for Brian and I, we share the same trouser size and even shirt size, not the jacket size though as he is two sizes smaller with the same length of arms that are rarely in stock. We also can get the same shoes; he goes for size 9½, and I am size 12.

I would never have thought catalogue shopping could be classy, sophisticated, and quite affordable along with the breadth of choices we have. Testament to the quality of the shoes was when I had a shoe shiner at the domestic terminal of O R Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg comment on the quality and workmanship of my shoes. He would know and I was proud to say they were handmade in the UK.

There is a likelihood I might put in a final order, getting Brian to choose anything is hard enough, I just usually hope my choices pass the muster.


Unknown said...

Am equally saddened , only tried the website and was shocked to a message " we are closed for business". The best workmanship I have known. I hope some other can match Samuel Windsor

Unknown said...

Am equally saddened , only tried the website and was shocked to a message " we are closed for business". The best workmanship I have known. I hope some other can match Samuel Windsor

T. Rawings. said...

Very sorry to hear that Samuel Windsor is closing down. The quality of their clothes and shoes and of course the service was second to none. They will be sadly missed and a hard act to follow.

Anthony Gardiner. said...

Well it looks like they're coming back again under new ownership, check the website, that's what it says.

Akin Akintayo said...

Hello Anthony,
Thanks for the update, I have been struggling to find an alternative. I hope the new owners build on the legacy and quality of the erstwhile owners.

Unknown said...

Whilst Mr Akintayo did not completely trigger a response due to my unfortunate hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia condition, my ears certainly pricked as read through his first paragraph. My anxiety levels were calmed as I read through the rest of his comments - with which I heartily agree.

Unknown said...

By the way folks the shoes are made in India.....not UK.

Unknown said...

I am so so saddened to hear of this closure!Just went on to the site to order something nice for Xmas only to see the online message.By far the best quality shoes I ve ever worn-still had two people at work commend a pair I bought almost three years ago-this pair always attracted attention! SW were the only ones who stocked shoes my size that had the range of quality and of course affordability.I hope the news of new ownership rings true,and they maintain the set standards that has stood this company apart.I guess the lesson is never to take rare quality for granted and always continue to patronise and publicise them.

Unknown said...

Please advise if a new owner for Samuel Windsor Shoes has been found & advise accordingly. Thank you.

Anthony Gardiner. said...

I have noticed Today a selection of shoes have appeared on the new website, I hope more products appear soon.

Wilson said...

I hope they bring the clothing back. I have bought I would guess well over 70% of my trousers over the last 15 years from them. I bought some new needle cords from Peter Christian last week and the quality is atrocious plus they were around double the cost of what SW used to charge.

Anonymous said...

Some of you who, like me, have been upset by the demise of the Samuel Windsor company but are somewhat pleased to see that the name is with a new management but only selling foot-ware at present.

As a stop gap you might find some acceptable clothing at both Ryedale and Fife. The latter also offer a fair range of foot ware.

Anonymous said...

As of December 2022, the site still seems limited to shoes and slippers, with a very small range at what strike me as inflated prices. Such a shame, as the overcoats, ties and other items of clothing used to be so good.

E. C said...

I have bought a couple pairs of your shoes in the past and I just love them. Probably the best I ever bought.

Ed Parsons said...

s a long term customer, I have just ordered black Monks and Oxblood brogues. I have worn Barkers and Church's since 1962. Take it from me, SW are better. Looking forward to getting my order.

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