My Pages

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Planning an adventure of significance

The life of desire

I have an adventure in my mind, one full of excitement as much as it has challenges, one that I cannot think of embarking on with a companion and that companion is to me the best one I have by my side to face the possibilities and the uncertainties.

We have found a meeting of minds and knitting of hearts, a common purpose that only love can give the inextinguishable light of hope and desire that grows and thrives as we walk lockstep through the clear and the thick, the high and the low, the fertile and the barren, the wet and the dry, weaving a tapestry of tales colourful, durable, and lively, priceless in value.

We chose each other, Brian and I, and though there is distance between us, we are close in thought and sight, knowing that separation is only temporary until the sudden, the planned or circumstance allows the fulfilment of what we have always wanted; to be together and never to be apart anymore. We are dreams that do come true even beyond our wildest imaginations. The chapter starts here.

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