My Pages

Friday 3 December 2021

This is deep stuff now

In thought without words

All year long, we have been preparing for this, the almost 11 months that we have persevered, supporting each other with daily communication, along with the occasional tiff, it has not been easy at all.

Strangely, I do not have that excitable buzz of youthful wistfulness and exuberance, I seem to be my totally English self, betraying no emotion at all. I guess we are now in serious territory, it is not a longing infatuation with the novelty of discovery even if the pandemic insinuated two 11-month separations in the last two years.

This man means a lot more to me than I am sometimes willing to volunteer, he is my partner and everything in me is yearning to be in his arms. That, itself would do that talking, as at times, the most and best is said when nothing at all is spoken. I’m in love.

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