My Pages

Thursday 3 February 2022

Thought Picnic: To the little things we do

A lonely lane of travel

There are days when there is no agenda even if there is a purpose, the desire to impact that might not be as impactful, the consideration of others generally unnoticed by them, the urge to be an example without being exemplary, just having the time, the place, and the opportunity to be the best one can be.

Amongst people lauded for great achievements, too often it is easy to feel quite a minnow, and then you realise your world, whether large or small is the community in which you might have some influence or modicum of significance, the risk of belittling self is too frequently borne of ignorance of what little you seem to be doing is significant and important to others.

Knowing the little you can do

To be aware to the point of not beating yourself up for what you have unfortunately not done where there are things done and other things you have the capacity, ability, and opportunity to is the beginning of knowledge and the elimination of unnecessary stress.

In my life, I always hope to have the means to meet every challenge in any sphere of encounter and demand. I extend myself as much I can do, there is little reward for these things, and gratitude comes in ways unexpected and appreciated. If through one thing I have been given the blessing to do, I have changed one life for the better, we would celebrate that against the many odds we have faced.

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