My Pages

Saturday 2 April 2022

Spitting words to blogs

Cursive and joined up

Working at writing is sometimes a chore, especially if after you have written something longhand you cannot find the wherewithal to type it out, then edit and post.

I have had that with a number of things that I have written, yet, I must say that being about to write on paper means you can do that anywhere without needing to have some device to hand.

Besides, every once in a while, it is nice to try out your handwriting, if only to keep a modicum of legibility on the scrawls you make having lost the finesse of calligraphic expression that at one time seemed a talent, if developed, within your grasp.

Unhelpful technologies

I guess what you need is a balance between the use of electronic devices and traditional methods of writing, varying their use and never discarding one for the other. Eventually, those pieces would be transcribed to blogs online.

The idea of speech-to-text recognition is not one I am particularly ready to attempt, even if the means are there, my voice seems to modulate, even if I have a distinctive voice print, easily recognised by friends on the phone.

Though, I was disappointed when I realised there was no handwriting conversion within Microsoft Word, which I use to type out and proofread my blogs; and this is after I had written a treatise for the computer to get an idea of how I write; if you need that Ink-to-Text feature, you have to do your scribbles in Microsoft OneNote.

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