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Wednesday 27 April 2022

The biannual went well

Under the weather a bit

It started with a strange feeling in my throat, like the onset of a sore throat, that I knew I was coming down with something and I thought I could ward off the effects with gargling TCP in the weekend. Now, TCP that has been on the market in various forms since 1918 would not receive a ranking in taste department as both the taste and smell is vile, but it works.

However, I did not succeed, for by Monday, I had a running nose and cough along with the concern that I might have acquired Omicron XE as all the classic symptoms of a common cold presented, the running nose, the sneezing, the apparent fatigue, and occasional aches and pains. As a fully vaccinated person with a booster and prospect of another booster next month, the symptoms were supposed to be mild, in any case.

Thankfully not COVID

Even though I went out for my walk on Monday, I was not that disposed on Tuesday and today was supposed to be my biannual check-up at the hospital, so, quite early this morning I conducted a COVID-19 Lateral Flow Test to be certain whether I could attend my appointment or not. I came out negative, and that was quite gratifying.

Having taken the day off for this, I set out this morning for my appointment calling an Uber cab to transport me over, yesterday, I was not particularly agile and this morning, I was less inclined to affect any agility, I felt tired, and a bit worn out, but quite lucid too, my voice a bit croaky but the coughing had subsided.

All systems are good

Soon, I was at the waiting area, some 15 minutes early for my appointment when I was called to have my height, weight, and blood pressure measured, before I was invited into the consulting room by the main consultant who I had not seen in probably 2 years. There were two observers in room with her, a student and a junior medical doctor with whom I exchanged greetings before we started our discussion.

All indicators looked right as I learnt more about the tests that were conducted, the indication that protein in my urine would signify issues with my kidneys, the side effects of my medication that could impact on bone density, and I was informed by the junior doctor who happens to be part of a kidney study programme I elected to join some years ago that we would contacted over the next few months.

Get to living well

Besides all that, I did not have many questions, I was happy with my medication for which I had a renewed prescription for 7 months and after other conversations about lifestyle, Vitamin D deficiency, weight control and some predispositions we need to aware of, we agreed for another appointment in October. One assurance I had was if there were any particular indicators of concern in the results of my blood tests, they would be immediately acted on.

After which, I gave a urine sample and like draw blood out of stone, one of the veins in my right arm allowed the filling of 7 vials and then a 15-minute wait at the pharmacy before I left the hospital. I would typically have walked to the ethnic shops after my appointment, but I felt a bit fragile and it was a bit chilly, so, I took a cab to the shops and then one home, had a meal, called Brian and then went to bed.

It would seem that has served me well, I feel much stronger and well, and much as I am tempted to go for a walk, I might just step out for some fresh air rather than for strenuous exercise. The slight swelling and bruising when I had blood taken from is now better, the phlebotomist was more careful that when I had more holes than a colander poked into me for blood, the last time. I am grateful for good health, life, and a sense of wellbeing. 

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