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Thursday 7 April 2022

Thought Picnic: On the way of thoughts

Zooming along

From the slip road of contemplation, my thoughts ride into the freeway of life where other thoughts some slow and others at speed race on to destinations indeterminate, each oblivious of the other, yet aware of the presence of mind to be considerate and understanding that no one thought is uniquely so different as to gain undue pre-eminence over another.

For as we coexist in our goal for our different or similar destinations, to home, to work, or any other activity, the expectations of safety and security are predicated on every other thought being reasonable and probably lawful too.

Caringly aware

At a point, we might swerve, then at another, there is a diversion that limits our freedom to manoeuvre sometimes due to essential roadworks planned ahead of time and notified to many or by reason of an impromptu even, an accident borne of error, mishap, carelessness, or incomprehensibly outrageous thinking. In which casualty might happen and fatality could result.

The guide rail of thought will sometimes protect and prevent, especially from veering off the side into a ravine of lifechanging consequence. We must always journey, leisurely, decisively, confidently, and purposefully, even when aimless, it should still be in sobriety that we might arrive safe to the company, care, and comfort of those whose thoughts surround us, inspire us, and keep us living for something. Where are our thoughts leading us?

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