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Thursday 3 August 2023

Thought Picnic: Seeking my authentic voice

Seeking the right voice

There is a lot I give thought to, that churns constantly within from conflict through confusion and seeking confession. Not confession in the sense of admission, but in the cause of affirmation, a profession of belief in the understanding of who I am.

Then, I think back to the absence of voice in the many things I could have voiced as opposed to the few times I have spoken without accentuating the better views, painting myself in the most unfavourable light to find some sort of agreement in understanding the afflictions I have entertained.

What I see that I have talked myself down, talked myself out, talked myself done, and talked myself lost, when there is much talking to do to talk up, talk in, talk better, and talk positive. Where is my voice of prayer? I ask.

Imagining the impossible

I have given myself to hearing, hearing for encouragement and support for the faith that comes from hearing. I hear more than I read, I listen more to understand, I understand even to act, and act to succeed.

There is a vision that replays in me with the conviction of the possible. I am on a journey that I am receiving the strength to conceive of what is totally beyond me and yet is the mystery of faith.

Let me understand even more how to be impactfully the best I can ever be in the walk on earth, that is my prayer and where my voice needs to be, day and night, in the full assurance that what I have imagined is possible.

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