My Pages

Monday 4 September 2023

The light and shadows in the pictures I narrate

The conclusion is obscure, for now

Sometimes, you start a blog with the intention of sharing or revealing something, yet, as what you are about to write is so visceral, even if elements of it have been shared on another social media platform.

The basic elements of the said blog have been written but I cannot find the mental energy to complete it at this time. It pertains to someone, the significance of today for that person, what certain encounters with that person in an apparent place of safety wrought on the psyche and innocence of another.

Whether that blog would be concluded for eventual publication, I cannot tell, but I know the full story would and must be told for registration and a cautionary tale about those we allow to have access to impressionable children.

It’s all in there somewhere

Then, I think about the fact, you cannot have written almost 4,000 blogs and not laid out the crumbs, however, there is no guarantee that the crumbs will lead anywhere safe, you can join the dots though sometimes the dots need to be numbered for the intended image to be revealed.

Blog - Thought Picnic: Preserving childhood sexual innocence (July 2009)

Blog - Childhood: Shocked into adolescence (August 2009)

Blog - Childhood: My aunts saw red (September 2009)

Blog - Childhood: Ghosts and ghouls of my past (September 2011)

Blog - Thought Picnic: The Barrier to Confiding in our Guardians (May 2013)

Blog - Thought Picnic: Before you call him a man? (July 2013)

Blog - The damage done when parents fail to listen (February 2015)

Blog - Reflecting on the brutal rape of my childhood innocence (August 2015)

Blog - Living around shadows of childhood violation (June 2021)

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