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Wednesday 29 November 2023

Back for the biannuals

Tell me about this

It was a week ago that I made it out to Crumpsall for my biannual medical with sheaves of printed-out medical results to get a better understanding of and explanation of the medical terms of obfuscation and intrigue.

This time, I met the lead consultant who was quite amenable to my inquiries, explaining in great detail the somewhat confusing or misunderstood terms whilst allaying my fears about other issues.

Critically, it was the result of the MRI scan I had in early October, the reading suggests that nothing is wrong with my bones, but my back muscles do need strengthening with physiotherapy, whenever I can get access to that service.

It flows better with drinking water

As was drinking water from the time that I woke up, my veins easily presented for phlebotomy, though that might well be dependent on the nurse doing it. I doubt the nurse with height and hands that would leave him comparable to the Nephilim would have succeeded, no matter what he might have tried.

Now, the results of the blood tests are posted for viewing immediately after they are available, the portal also offers trends on a graphical scale for you to note gradual or sudden changes to the readings observed.

Once again, I am grateful to the medical team that handles my care, from the receptionist who is always amiable and pleased to see me, we exchange copious pleasantries to the nurses who measure the vitals and then the consultants who extend beyond expertise to respectful humanising of their patients. I guess it is another meeting in six months.

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