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Saturday 2 December 2023

Thought Picnic: Knowing love as love indeed

Loving love

One of the joys of living is to know that you are loved, and there are many loves to think about, some you experience from the beginning from people who have brought you into the world, their joy and their responsibility become the care you get as you begin to understand the world around you.

In the process, you find out about love, love from above that begins to give direction and purpose, learning and appreciating that love is a process of education and re-evaluation, if only we could trust in that love enough to know that everything would be fine, regardless.

The love we find

Then, the love we find, some that seem to be good wanes with time or transforms itself into a new kind of relationship, nice and friendly, built on the knowledge we have acquired of each other that lasts decades and more. Best friends of a rare kind, confidantes of a special type, of whom your flaws are a matter of discretion, your failings are never highlighted, and before whom you can do no wrong.

Your heart might have passed through many hands, massaged at times, squeezed by experience, even hurt, and dropped in the quagmire of questioning and possibly despair, which obviously becomes the stuff of other stories.

A beautiful love

Then that heart gets caressed by the most tender hands, your ears tickled by the kindest singing of words that lift you into ecstasy, in the embrace that you have committed yourself to is something that no clear explanation can be found for. In that love, you find a new meaning, the sense of adventure that becomes the realisation of dreams so sweet and beautiful.

I think about it every time as it traverses distance and realms, I know that I have a love that makes me smile, that makes me laugh, that keeps me going knowing that our fears will melt away into hopes that materialise beyond anything we ever imagined. I live for the days of love unbridled, untrammelled, uninhibited, and unashamed.

Yes, I am in love and I am blessed with an amazing lover.

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