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Monday 29 April 2024

Men's things - II

Scanning human innards

The hospital is an interesting meeting place of humanity, where our frailty and infirmity meet with a strong will to live, compassion, care, and the understanding used to help us return to healthy and vibrant lives.

With X-rays came an advancement in medical research and observation, then ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) scans which all provide a non-intrusive view of our innards for experts to review and decide some plan of action; if their observations are indicative of an issue.

The Trafford General Hospital is the cradle of the NHS and where it was launched just over 75 years ago, arriving early on Saturday morning, I was met with a labyrinthine range of corridors, first to the main reception and then to the Radiology department, being the collective term for all these aspects of scanning.

In preparation for it

The aftermath of my bladder emptying requirement was to prepare for an MRI scan of men’s things. The call came in on Thursday evening and the speedy arrangement was once again, a bit unsettling. After a series of questions, I was cannulated as the scan was to be with contrast. The contrast agent which could have side effects is to help tissue and blood vessels show up more clearly.

Having changed into hospital tunics, one back to front and the other front to back, I mentioned my first MRI scan and the poor choice of music, Here Comes The Hot Stepper it was. The nurse offered me choices and I went to Bach and classical calming music, good effort and it was soothing.

Closed to noise and tightness

I was given earplugs, there must be a Nobel Prize for making the MRI scanner silent, this is beyond the one already given for the discovery of MRI. The cannula was connected, I was strapped down around my midriff and the music, the scanning and the noise began. I closed my eyes trying not to think about being in a tube of claustrophobic angst, it did not bother me.

Time passed quickly and I was pulled out and asked to wait for 15 minutes; first to remove the cannula and to observe any contrast agent side effects. I was soon on my way home, with much time still left of the Saturday morning. The results will form part of the review to be had soon.

Other blogs

Blog - Hotstepping into a magnetic resonance experience

Blog - Men's things

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