Thursday, 10 May 2007

Additives for Wembley seats

Going to Wem-bur-ley

I plan to visit the new Wembley Stadium when I am next in London at the end of this month.

Unfortunately, it appears the Wembley Stadium is already losing its lustre; the quite radiant mid-spring sunshine seems to have shone the colour off many of the 17,000 extra padded premium seats.

The originally red seats are now a paler shade called pink due to photo-chromic degradation.

This is where I would think the hitherto pigments in food colouring would come in useful and where they should be applied, Allura Red AC for instance withstands temperatures higher than 300° Celsius and probably would resist degradation in direct sunlight. Being soluble in water might require a bit of inspired chemistry, not an impossible task.

Just imagine all those super-rich premium ticket holders getting up cheering with bright red backsides, a sight to make eyes sore. Meanwhile, one might say the people who installed the seats would have some red faces, anyone's guess if that also came off the seats.

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