Thursday, 1 October 2009

Scuttling cancer with chemo

Cannot hold food down

This has been a long day and I have not tolerated it that much but it was still the day the Lord has made, I will lift my spirits up by rejoicing in it.

I started a new drug therapy last night, the night was again very uncomfortable, but I was hopeful for some news including something that would allow me to know when I could go home.

As dawn broke, I took my second course as I was having breakfast, but within an hour, all of it came back up with a vengeance, I have basically been unable to keep any solids down.

Cancer Chemotherapy Course

The professor consultant and his team visited and were of the opinion that I was not responding as quickly as they might have hoped to all the treatments until now – most seemed to have been palliative so far.

The suggestion of another deep biopsy had my countenance drop like lightening to the ground, even the professor noticed and encouraged me that it might not be necessary; if I could be put under for them to poke around as much as they want, I’ll acquiesce.

A new regime now requires I go on chemotherapy. I suddenly see myself introduced to cancer in the most benign rather than dramatic way with all the assurances that eliminate the generalised notion of terminal.

The chemotherapy is supposed to be very tolerable though, what I am told and what I read are in two different spheres. I am not to expect hair loss, as if I had much anyway and my nails will not be growing off my teeth.

Modelling my foot

Meanwhile, I had a visit to the audiovisual department where my foot was modelled probably for publication in some medical journal sometime in the future; it appears to have a unique learning and observation moment for the personnel.

One wonders if the Hello! or OK! magazines of the medical world would part with a few dollars for the privilege, I will gladly take funds.

So far, I have been unable to hold any solid food down and hope the gels and jelly-like foods would persist for the medication to be efficacious.

It is becoming a lonely world; no guests for days and those that promised have yet to arrive. Stop, think and meditate, it is still the day the Lord has made. Rejoice!

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