Thursday, 7 October 2010

Thought Picnic: Starting my own story

Many stories to tell

The stories of our lives might be worth telling but you wonder if you are ready to tell stuff that might interest some but shock others more.

Through blogging I have realised that many aspects of my life are in no way ordinary though there are days I wake and wonder why I do not seem to be anywhere near where I ought to be.

The question then becomes where one really should be and in relation to what, measured by whom and to what ends?

Maybe it is just the quest for improvement and perfection, something that compels you to strive to greater things though purpose and aim can so easily become fuzzy.

The many ifs that plague me

As for stories, one should just write what it is, from the beginning and there are many beginnings and many life-changing situations that change your perspectives and also kept you being the same.

Then there are the ifs; the ifs of life; if I had, if I could, if I did, if I heard, if I touched or the negations of all those ifs creating a hydra-headed and hydra-legged river delta of possibilities putting you in parallel universes that take you away from your reality.

The past becomes the story, today becomes the foundation and the future is as deep as you will like it go constrained by certain deeds of the past you hope never catch you too unawares not to have been able to anticipate or regulate.

Not gonna sing that song?

So, my friend thinks I have a story, I know I have a story, I am not sure if I can tell that story because just like Betty Wright’s mother said to her about the song, Tonight is the night [1].

She said, “Uh, I like the music

You know, baby, the melody it’s really nice

But I know you’re not gonna sing that song

She did sing the song [2] against her mother’s advice and it became one of her biggest records as the story goes.

Many a night has been that night, but maybe not as you might think of it, it was decision time as it was experience time, but one day, I might just write that story and be done with it.

You might like the plot and it might become my biggest story too.


[1] Betty Wright - Tonight Is The Night Lyrics

[2] YouTube - Betty Wright - Tonight Is The Night

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