No man is an island, entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main;
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were,
As well as if a manor of thy friend's or of
thine own were;
Any man's death
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never
send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
Excerpted from Devotions Upon
Emergent Occasions - MEDITATION XVII - John Donne
I live amongst many
I have in no way
experienced the myriad of illnesses, misfortune or adversity that John Donne
suffered in his lifetime, but his words speak to me as of someone whose wisdom
and manner of words are a deep well of resourceful material in understanding our
Much as I have
striven to live a very independent life to the point to pretending to some sort
of unique individuality, I have by reason and by circumstance come to know that
no man is an island.
The help beyond I
No, for the things
I have seen and the things I have known have come with interaction, be it
knowledge that I gain daily from things to improve my skills to other sources
of communal interaction that thrive more in the virtual space than in
human-to-human contact.
However, I live
today because a part of the main, in prayer, in medical help, in support from
others have sustained me beyond where the strength I bring to bear on any
situation is exhausted.
I hope that when
help is required of me, I will be both resourced and willing to stand with
another as they have stood with me through thick and thin.
The death of reason
For any man’s death
diminished me, for we must strive to prevent what is preventable that the
fellowship we have might not be extinguished by forces beyond our control.
It is not so much
the death at the end of life that bothers me as the death of reason, the death
of the reasonable and the death of reasonableness. For where we have disagreed,
we must strive never to be disagreeable and where our beliefs have been at
variance we must respect where we stand to accommodate the fact that we cannot
all believe the same.
Allow me my thoughts
My thinking might
be judged absurd but spare me a moment for I might have not reached the
destination you are at and if the vehicle of persuasion cannot move in the
direction where you want me to be, I might have taken a different road leading
to another place.
We are on a journey
where there are very few stops and many things in motion, we go forwards, we go
backwards and might get knocked sideways but are rarely stationary. It is the
life in motion until the day the bell tolls.
Talk to someone
And on that day
when it all seems to end, may the relationships you have built over a lifetime –
long or short, be an enduring memory that you once walked the earth, a part of
our shared humanity, elated by the living of others as you have been diminished
by the death of some.
For no man is an
island, marooned from the essence of our humankind. We must talk to each other
of our joys and our pains because the eyes of another might well see the things
that have blinded us in the maelstrom of circumstances that swirl around us.
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