Sunday, 29 December 2013

Decade Blogs - Roundup III

I’m still here
We have just completed three weeks of my #YourBlogOnMyBlog Series, 21 blogs commemorating my Decade of Blogging. Each blog that I have reviewed, edited and written an introduction for has offered a showcase into stories told by people with a voice so unique, yet one we can all relate to.
I decided to stop taking blog contributions after I received 35 entries and I sent a personal message to the others who were not able to redeem their promises that it would have to be for another time, whilst thanking them for just considering and accepting the challenge.
Yet, I have managed to post four personal blogs on friendship, substandard drugs, Christmas greetings and journalistic diplomacy, I’m still here.
Then again
The theme that seems to define the third week is the significance of writing, in helping to understand our humanity. Veterans and new comers to blogging displaying talent and insight, I am so glad to share.
Here, for your pleasure are three weeks of Decade Blogs. To everyone who has honoured me in finding time to write for #YourBlogOnMyBlog, my thanks and more. I would find the words of appreciation and gratitude, eventually and they would still not be enough.
Decade Blogs – Week 3
Decade Blogs – Week 2
Decade Blogs – Week 1

1 comment:

Tom said...

Happy New year greetings

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