In brotherhood we stand
Last weekend, I
attended a men’s conference at !Audacious
Church which goes by the title Brotherhood.
The theme of the
conference was “Faith for …” and one can only say that the messages were
enlightening, inspiring and exhilarating.
Yet again, from
another perspective as I have seen in other men’s conferences in Pentecostal
circles before, these gatherings are overtly muscular, an orgy of heterosexual
celebration seeking an inlet to the vulnerability of full-grown men.
The view from the book
We were not
disappointed and really I cannot take issue with situations that I willingly
and wilfully let myself in for.
This conference
taking place just as we celebrated the first gay marriage in the UK elicited
comment from the Pastor about what the bible says and I guess we’ve heard it
all before and again.
My concern stems
from the fact that I do know what the bible says, we all, if religious, know
most of what our religious tomes say and how sometimes we tend to hang on every
word of the letter and leave out the humanity needing ministry.
Beyond the book to people
Now, this is not to
attack anyone, but I have many times come to understand that what the bible
says might mean a lot to me yet very little to others. The others whose
impressions of religion have come from the experiences they have suffered from
being put down as unworthy, unclean, common, hell-bound, hopeless, dirty and
much else.
Their lives have
been made miserable by people who portend to have some spirituality with the
arrogance of ‘knowing’ that they are closer to God than others.
In that vein, it is
difficult to see how to persuade and proselytise without bludgeoning the person
into helpless submission, it is unhealthy.
My Good Samaritan view
I hope that when I
encounter the broader diversity of our humanity, I am a light than a flame, that I have
an embrace of warmth to offer than an accusative finger pointing out where they
are wrong, bad, difficult, rotten or inferior.
For some people the spirituality I espouse would only become effective when I meet them where there is a need, an angel of compassion than hopes that the encounter would bring a thankfulness, a cheerfulness, some happiness and a hope. I believe that gets further than “the bible says.”
If the Samaritan
who we now know as the Good
Samaritan had followed spirituality over humanity as the priest and Levite had
done before him as they walked past the man left for dead by the wayside, we
would have had no such lesson of how our humanity matters more above
spirituality. Neighbourliness transcends norms.
Left a spiritual Humpty Dumpty
Yet, in these
conferences, we have ample space for conviction, though in some more vulnerable
than others, they would be consumed with guilt and condemnation, broken and
helpless, the showing of hands with a prayer supposed to transform the person
almost in an instant. But some are left spiritual Humpty Dumptys with no king’s
men to put them back together again.
Between denial and acceptance
As you wander
between discernment and critique, it is important to know when you have become
part of the mass hysteria as the crowd is worked up to a frenzy. It is at that
time that so many things Anglican allow for a personal and private spiritual
awakening within a public celebratory space.
Pentecostal circles
are highly expressive, seeking a public declaration and almost at the same time
bringing a sense of satisfaction to the protagonists who deign in
acknowledgement, the power of persuasion.
The atmosphere is
combative to the point of being aggressive, your response is required else you
are almost condemned for being ashamed that it compels you to react – on whether
it is right, I cannot say. But if God knows the heart of every man, does a man
have to see the hand of every heart?
Choose where I go
I left the
conference sat on a fence disputing between who I am and whether I should
accept myself or reject myself. Under that kind of mental duress, much harm can
be wrought, for a man who is not a husband or father, nor aspiring to be one, a
lacking is exposed that only having been happy with yourself before and having
learnt to love who you are can help dampen the supposed inadequacies.
At my age, I sometimes wonder if men’s conferences have much to offer me after from a stark realisation that I might well be too radically different from others who bare, seek or manage the responsibilities of husband, father, marriage and strongly conservative leanings.
I am well advised
to choose the conferences I attend wisely.
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