Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year!

For what was the past year,
What did we not fear?
And many of those came to bear,
A story not too dear.
For all that we can remember,
Especially the great loss in October,
We were left cold and sober,
By events we wished were over.
For still we are blessed with today,
The joy of what to say,
That the future is in play,
For dreams not to go astray.
For the pursuit of happiness endures,
For the love that cures,
All the heartache that obscures,
From words and hugs that assures.
For this year, let us hope,
And have no need ever to mope,
We will more than cope,
And excel beyond just having to grope.
For with laughter and smiles,
We would bound and leap by miles,
Exceed the limits of our trials,
And live the best of whiles.
For 2017, let us cheer,
And cherish those we hold so dear,
The time for great change is here,
Happy New Year!

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