Thursday, 2 July 2020

Beginning Reaction Indication Affinity Notable - II

The chance for change

Strangely, I was not looking for anything, I was just on holiday in the sun during Christmas, a pleasure I last enjoyed on the beautiful environs of Taj Mahal some 7 years before. However, I could not excuse myself from this handsome man who initiated the conversation when I thought I had no prospect of a passing glance.
When we got to the bar and ordered drinks, we began to chat to each other, the topics veering from the serious to the trivial, punctuated with laughter and increasing affinity. I was a bit crestfallen when he said he was returning to Zimbabwe the next day, but it was significant to know that his journey would be late at night.
The lurch for lunch
Maybe, it was an opportunity or an opening, I seized it and invited him for lunch the next day, having exchanged numbers and making to leave. As we were leaving at the same time, his friend offered to give me a lift back to my hotel, which I gladly took. The further engagement on the trip to my hotel consolidated the prospect.
In a few hours, I have developed a liking for him. When he introduced himself, I asked if his name was ‘Brian with an I’, it could have been Bryan. Before I went to bed, I send a long message of appreciation and thanks for meeting him. I did not forget to remind him; we were going out for lunch the next day. Could it be I was falling in love?

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