Early today, I thought about the past week, all that I wrote on falling in love. I would not know if anyone noticed a characteristic of the blog titles. When I started, I was not sure I would find enough inspiration to complete the task.
As it happened, I did
get the words to carry the context of the blogs into the titles using BRIAN as an
acronym. Words beginning with N to fit the context are not easy to come by, it
is a good thing, this brainwave did not come to be as a countdown of 30 days to
his birthday or worse, a count up to his youthful age.
We relive and believe
However, as we share
messages in the morning and find time for one or more video calls later in the
day until bedtime. We get to talk about many things and that is how I was
proposed to on Saturday night. Everything on our minds now points to the next
opportunity to meet up in Cape Town where indeed we would get married and begin
charting the course of our new life together.
It goes without
saying, that our memories are tinged with the moments we had together and the
expectation of even better times ahead. It is exactly 6 months ago that we parted company in Johannesburg. Our thoughts are almost overwhelmed
with feeling, but we must temper our anxiety with patience and constant
reassurance. We are a beautiful work in progress and if no one can see the
love, the smiles, the good, the story, well. I hope they can be happy for
themselves if they cannot be happy for others.
We bear no ill; we are
living our own lives and hope others can get to live freely in the beauty of
their dreams coming true. So there.
The 7 days of falling
in love with Brian
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