Friday, 31 July 2020

Coronavirus streets in Manchester - XVI

Manchester unrestricted

One could be forgiven for thinking the local restrictions imposed on Greater Manchester at midnight had anything to do with the city of Manchester. For after my gym workout where Rebecca-Louise remained a tough taskmaster, I ventured out for a longer walk than yesterday.
From Sackville Gardens, through New Islington Green, then along the Ashton Canal Towpath, down by Cotton Field Wharf Marina and then to Angel Meadow Park, people were out gathered in clustered social bubbles of households that looked more like the household of Manchester than the more nuclear units mandated by the government.
I do not think law enforcement was even concerned about this situation, everyone appears to be for and to themselves going about their normal business without a thought for the pandemic or what it portends.
Sensibly keeping safe
If anyone is unfortunate enough to contract the Coronavirus and present COVID-19 symptoms, the message appears to be you have been unfortunate. It goes without saying that the government lost its moral authority way back in May when that exhausted every manner of goodwill excusing, exonerating and exculpating Dominic Cummings, the Rasputin special adviser to the Prime Minister.
The moment everyone began to think it was one law for us the people whilst Downing Street were a law unto themselves, there was no further persuasion or entreaty that could convince the public after from self-interest and self-preservation. I think there is a good sensible lot who want to outlive this pandemic and by everything possible, we will.

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