Saturday, 1 August 2020

A threshold of pain for more to gain

No aim to maim

Adding the city walks to my exercise routine felt like the way to go from being a hermit into a social being even though socialising is not a safe activity at this time.
My walk yesterday revealed something interesting that I did not pay heed to as I got to over 10,000 steps. I was to keep walking for if I stopped for a moment, muscles under some strain began to cry out in pain around the top of my inner thigh. I was soon home to sleep it off in recovery.
Today, after my workout in the morning, I did some cooking, moin-moin to be exact that I thought of having with jollof rice at a later time.
Meanwhile, I took a nap whilst I thought of having a purposeful walk up to the ethnic foods store up at Cheetham Hill, it is only 3.2 km away, it could be done under an hour, so I set forth. The idea was to walk out and quite a likely walk back.
Left with a hobble
As I left, I took my foldable cane, just in case my exhaustion required some support, prescience or premonition, I am glad I did. For as I neared the shop, I stopped to put on my facemask and that upper thigh pain somewhat radiating from my ball joint arrived with a torrent of discomfort, that the next step after was a hobble.
After that, I had no brisk walk left in me, I looked like I should be in a wheelchair and definitely not out and about. The cane as support when I took steps during my shopping, then the chemist before taking a short walk to the tram stop to convey me back close to home.
My further stop nearer home at St. Peter’s Square was no better, sitting down eased the pain but not when I took my first step. I hoped for some relief back in bed after some paracetamol. My hope is by the morning everything would be fine, those muscles need some rest and they would get enough. I do like walking though, the muscles should get that message too.

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