Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Your member is a big figure in my parliament

A rising member
As he rises to speak, they observe the prominence he wields that puts all other members to shame. Maybe it was the oracles or it was foretold that he was born to represent his city, some say the circumstances of birth alone with the dexterity of the midwives ensured it. Between myth and reality, the truth stretches itself to fill the part.
His maiden speech filled the listeners with respect, it was awesome in its structure, full of colour that language lends to passion and significant for the purpose at hand. Legend has it that his constituents ribbed others saying, “Don’t you wish you had a member this good?”
Obviously, for this secret parliament, most hearings are done in-camera because the matters arising are quite volatile to forestall public anxiety. He is magnanimous and exudes the milk of human kindness for which he must be duly commended. His people love him and very few have begun to tell the story of his parliamentary acumen and generosity of spirit. When the time comes, you will indeed know of this member.

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