All in the wiggle
When I think of the old lady who
swallowed a fly and then embarked on a Matryoshka doll version of an incessant
consumption of one inedible predator after another to go after each consumed
prey, one rarely thinks of what each one did inside her, considering they were
all eaten alive.
At least, that's the impression you
get when you read the part that says, that jiggled, and wriggled, and wiggled,
inside her, and there are many versions of what the spider did, including tiggled
which all might allude to the exclusive choreography of arachnids. [Words for
Life: There was an old lady]
Quite much of a wiggle
However, nothing prepared me for the
sight I beheld of a lady as she walked in front of me, in tights that seemed to
accentuate every facet of her backside probably in the quest for a mate so
disposed to that kind of spectacle.
For it did jiggle, and wiggle, and
wriggle before me, I almost died from the assault that to avert my gaze that is
not affected by the propinquity of the feminine gluteus maximus, I sped up past
her and heaved a sigh of relief.
Posterity has a giggle
Finally, as if we have not been so
seriously sinned against by those determined to lead any or all into temptation in
contravention of the Lord's prayer; at the main supermarket, emblazoned in cheap
faux crystals too prominent to unsee, she had Juicy written on her derriere,
well, the trousers.
If any were an old lady, I do wonder
what would have become of them. In terms of those forgettably
forgettable sights, posterity puts a posterior on it.
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