Saturday, 30 November 2024

On the things I cherish

On the things I cherish

Some things are indescribable,
Where words make a likely fable,
For every moment I am able,
We like horses do share a stable.

In your eyes I see laughter,
That my steps begin to falter,
It is you and really no other,
That is much closer than a brother.

As seconds count up to days,
We find in our various ways,
How relationship just obeys,
And it is never like a haze.

The words that bring such humour,
Gladdening the heart with succour,
Seeking the fun that does concur,
With all, we choose to honour.

On those beautiful walks on the beach,
The tranquil that sounds like a speech,
Expressing what no one can teach,
We transcend things we once couldn’t reach.

It is a love that rarely speaks its name,
Where passion is never that tame,
It aspires not to any kind of fame,
Only asserts the truth of what we claim.

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